Nagaland in the north eastern frontiers of India is a linguist’s
paradise where not less than 23 different indigenous languages are
spoken in full vigor. Though English is the official language in
Nagaland, It is
Nagamese (a pidgin/creole arising out
of Assamese, Hindi, English and various Naga languages) which rules the
roost across the state. Though the origin of
is unknown, it is evident from the accounts of Lt. Bigges (Tour Diary
1841) that this pidgin was in vogue before the British soldiers set
their feet in the Naga Hills. The earliest record of
Nagamese is found in Hutton (1921) with a few lexical items and phrases in the pidgin. Hutton (1921) says
the Assamese as spoken in the Naga Hills is peculiarly well
adapted for the reproduction of Naga idioms as a vehicle of
interpretation. It makes a better lingua franca for the Hills than
Hindustani or English would, the substitution of which for Assamese has
been occasionally suggested.’
Hutton is referring to Nagamese when he is writing of Assamese of Naga Hills. Similarly Haimendorf (Von Furer Haimendorf, The Naked Nagas,
1939, London) writes
‘Fortunately many people including children spoke fluently Nagamese, the lingua franca of entire Naga Hills’.
The spread of
Nagamese according to Sreedhar (M.V.
Shreedhar, 1985, Standardized Grammar of Naga Pidgin, Mysore) is due to
several factors. He cites the construction of roads, penetration of
Marwari traders in far flung areas, and various state and central
agencies bringing Non-Nagas in Nagaland as the primary reason for the
spread of Nagamese. It is absolutely clear that neither colonization nor
subjugation was responsible for the birth of Nagamese.
Today Nagamese is used for diverse inter-lingual communication
situations such as Schools, markets, hospitals, legislative assembly,
and even in churches. Moreover the emergence of a unified Naga identity
irrespective of tribal affiliations has led to situations where it has
acquired the role of a mother tongue for the children born out of
wedlock of people from two different communities. Nagamese is
increasingly used in informal conversation though formal discourse is
still done in English or any other indigenous language. Youth use it
profusely among themselves on the streets of Kohima, Dimapur, Mokukchung
and outside Nagaland etc.
Knowing a little of Nagamese in Nagaland comes handy when one decides
to visit this beautiful state in the Far East. Nagamese is like a song
you would like to sing time and again.
Here are some
SURVIVAL PHRASES in Nagamese based on
Dr. N. Khashito Aye’s book titled
Nagamese: the Lingua Franca of Nagaland, 2007 (published by Christian Education Ministry, Sugar Mill, 5
th Mile, Dimapur- 7977112, Nagaland).
English |
Nagamese |
Hindi |
Please come in |
aahibi |
आईए। |
Please sit down |
bohibi |
बैठिए। |
Where do you live? |
aapuni kot thaake? |
आप कहाँ रहते/रहती हैं? |
My house is in Agra |
mor laagaa ghar Agrate aase |
मेरा घर आगरा में है। |
What is your name? |
aapuni laagaa naam ki aase? |
आपका क्या नाम है? |
My name is Prakash |
mor laaga naam prakaash aase |
मेरा नाम प्रकाश है। |
How are you? |
kenekaa aase? |
आप कैसे हैं? |
I am alright |
Bhaal hi aase |
मैं ठीक हूँ। |
Are you alright |
Aapuni bhaal aase? |
क्या आप ठीक हैं? |
What happened? |
ki hoise? |
क्या हुआ? |
What is the price of this? |
itu kiman dam ase? |
इसका दाम क्या है? |
lower down the price |
olop kom koribi |
कुछ कम कीजिए। |
That will do |
Hoise |
हाँ यह ठीक है। |
I don’t want |
amaake naalaage |
मुझे नहीं चाहिए। |
At what time you will come? |
aapuni kimaan baajite aahibo? |
आप कितने बजे आएंगे। |
I will come tomorrow at 8 o’clock |
aami kaali aat bajite aahibo |
मैं कल आठ बजे आउंगा। |
Please drive the car |
gaari chalaabi |
गाड़ी चलाईए। |
Drive slowly |
aaste chalaabi |
धीरे चलाईए। |
Stop |
rukhibi |
रोकिए। |
Turn it |
ghuraabi |
घुमाईए। |
To the left |
left phaale |
बाईं ओर। |
To the right |
right phaale |
दाईं ओर। |
This way |
itu phaale |
इस तरफ। |
That way |
hitu phaale |
उस तरफ। |
Which way? |
kun phaale? |
किस तरफ? |
Go straight |
sida jabi |
सीधा जाईए। |
Do you like it? |
aapuni itu bhal laage? |
क्या यह आपको पसंद है? |
Where are you going? |
aapuni kot jabo? |
आप कहाँ जा रहे/रही हैं? |
I am going to market |
moi market jai aase |
मैं बाज़ार जा रहा हूँ। |
Where has he gone? |
taar kot jaise? |
वह कहाँ गए/गई हैं? |
I will come tomorrow |
aami kali aahibo |
मैं कल आउंगा। |
Vitsaho and kitoka have come |
vitshao aaru kitoka aahise |
वित्साहो और कितोका आए हैं। |
Survival Nagamese Glossary
Nagamese |
English gloss |
Hindi Gloss |
aalu |
potato |
आलू |
adowaa / adruk |
ginger |
अदरक |
agote |
front |
आगे |
ahaa kaali |
tomorrow |
कल |
ahibo |
will come |
आउंगा |
aina |
mirror |
आईना |
ami |
I |
मैं |
ami / moi |
I |
मैं |
amikhan |
we |
हम |
anibo |
will bring |
लाउंगा / लाएगा |
aru |
and |
और |
azi-kali |
nowadays |
आजकल |
baastenga |
bamboo shoot |
बाँस की कोपलें |
baba |
father |
पिता |
bagan |
garden |
बाग |
baksaa |
box |
बक्सा |
bera |
wall / fence |
दीवार |
beya |
bad |
बुरा |
bhaat |
rice |
चावल |
bhal |
good |
अच्छा |
bhekuli |
frog |
मेंढक |
bheraa |
sheep |
भेड़ |
bhija |
wet |
गीला |
bili |
sun |
सूरज |
bishi |
more |
ज्यादा |
boga |
white |
सफेद |
bohibo |
will sit |
बैठूँगा / बैठेगा |
bon koribo |
will cover / close |
बंद करूँगा / करेगा |
bonabo |
will make |
बनाउँगा / बनाएगा |
borton |
utensils |
बरतन |
bosti |
village |
गाँव / बस्ती |
chaapattaa |
tea leaves |
चाय पत्ती |
chamraa |
skin / leather |
चमड़ा |
charibo |
will leave |
छोड़ूंगा |
chatni |
mashed/grounded vegetable or fish |
भर्ता / चोखा |
chini |
sugar |
चीनी |
chipaise |
hidden |
छिपाया हुआ |
choto |
small |
छोटा |
chuli |
hair |
बाल |
daam |
price /cost |
दाम |
daambishi |
expensive |
मँहगा |
dali |
pulses |
दाल |
dangor |
large |
बड़ा |
dao |
dagger |
दाव |
dhalibo |
will pour |
डालूंगा / डालेगा |
dhoribo |
will hold / catch |
पकड़ूँगा / पकड़ेगा |
dingi |
neck |
गरदन |
dobol |
double |
दूहरा |
dolong |
bridge |
पुल |
dorja |
door |
दरवाजा |
dorkaari |
useful |
उपयोगी |
dud |
breast / milk |
स्तन / दूध |
dukan |
shop |
दुकान |
eki |
same |
समान |
etiya |
now |
अभी |
gaao buraa |
village headman |
मुखिया |
gahori |
pig |
सूअर |
gao |
body |
शरीर |
gaudhabo |
will bath |
नहाउँगा / नहाएगा |
ghumabo |
will sleep |
सो जाउंगा / सो जाएगा |
ghurabo |
will turn |
घुमेगा |
gola |
throat |
कंठ |
gorom |
hot |
गर्म |
goru |
cow |
गाय |
haas |
duck |
बत्तख |
hardi |
bone |
हड्डी |
hasibo |
will laugh |
हँसूंगा |
hatguti |
elbow |
कोहनी |
hatzoin |
waist |
कमर |
hitu |
that |
वह |
hitukhan |
those |
वे |
hodai |
always |
हमेशा |
hohai |
help |
मदद |
hoi |
yes |
हाँ |
hosa |
true |
सही / सत्य |
hudibo |
will ask |
पुछेगा |
hunibo |
will hear |
सुनेगा |
iman |
so much |
इतना |
isor |
god |
भगवान |
itu |
this |
यह |
itukhan |
these |
ये |
jabo |
will go |
जाएगा |
jakhala |
ladder |
सीढ़ी |
joluki |
chilly |
मिर्च |
jonabo |
will inform |
सूचना देगा |
juhi |
fire |
आग |
kandibo |
will cry |
रोएगा |
kaso |
tortoise |
कछुआ |
ketia |
when |
कब |
ketiyao |
never |
कभी नहीं |
khabo |
will eat / drink |
खाएगा |
khata |
short |
नाटा |
khong koribo |
will be angry |
गुस्सा होगा |
khori |
wood |
लकड़ी |
ki |
what |
क्या |
kinibo |
will buy |
खरीदेगा |
kobi |
cabbage |
गोभी |
kobo |
will say |
कहेगा |
kol |
banana |
केला |
kopita |
papaya |
पपीता |
koputor |
pigeon |
कबूतर |
kot |
where |
कहाँ |
kothal |
jackfruit |
कटहल |
kuchu |
yam |
कच्चू |
kumraa |
pumpkin |
सीताफल / कुम्हरा |
kuni |
egg |
अंडा |
laipata |
a kind of leafy vegetable |
एक पत्तेदार सब्ज़ी |
lao |
gourd |
कंद |
lobo |
will take |
लूंगा |
lora |
boy / son |
लड़का |
lori |
girl / daughter |
लड़्की |
loshun |
garlic |
लहसुन |
maaki |
female / wife |
औरत / पत्नि |
maatha |
head |
सिर |
maati |
land / field |
भूमि |
mangsho |
meat |
मांस |
mash |
fish |
मछली |
mekhala |
skirt worn by women |
औरतों द्वारा पहना जाना वाला एक वस्त्र |
misa |
false |
गलत |
modu |
liquor |
शराब |
moribo |
will die |
मरेगा |
morom |
love |
प्रेम |
morom koribo |
will love |
प्रेम करेगा |
mota |
male / husband |
आदमी / पति |
motar |
peas |
मटर |
moumakhi |
honeybee |
मधुमक्खी |
mudram |
guava |
अमरूद |
mula |
radish |
मूली |
naarikol |
coconut |
नारियल |
olop |
few |
कुछ |
paahoribo |
will forget |
भुलेगा |
pabo |
get |
लेगा |
paribo |
can do |
कर सकेगा |
philla |
thigh |
जाँघ |
pothabo |
read |
पढ़ेगा |
puka |
insect |
कीड़ा |
raati |
night |
रात |
rakhibo |
will keep |
रखेगा |
rukhibo |
will wait |
रुकेगा |
ruti |
flattened bread |
रोटी |
sagoli |
goat |
बकरी |
saphaa |
clean |
साफ |
shim |
beans |
सेम / फली |
sorai |
bird |
चिड़िया |
suku |
eye |
आँख |
taan |
hard |
कठोर |
tai |
she |
वह |
taka |
money / rupee |
रुपया |
tamul |
betel nut |
सुपारी |
tarkhan |
they |
वे |
tengaa |
sour |
खट्टा |
thai |
place |
स्थान / जगह |
thing |
leg |
पैर |
titaa |
bitter |
कड़वा |
upor |
above |
ऊपर |
uribo |
will fly |
उड़ेगा |